Tuesday, June 7th is Primary Day in New Jersey...Don't Forget to Vote!

The Alliance Center for Independence is working with other organizations throughout the state to increase the turnout of voters with disabilities this election year. ACI has formed a chapter of National REV UP (REV UP New Jersey) to lead this effort in NJ.

What is Being Decided?
Voters will decide the Republican and Democratic candidates to run in the general election in November. The candidates will be for president and members of the House of Representatives from NJ.

Who Can Vote?
New Jersey has "closed" primaries. This means that only Republican voters can nominate Republican candidates, and only Democratic voters can nominate Democratic candidates.Voters in New Jersey who are unaffiliated with any political party or group can declare either Republican or Democrat at the polls on the day of the primary and vote in that party's primary.

Where Do I Vote?
All registered voters should have received a sample ballot that indicates where your polling place is located. If you are unsure, click here: voter.njsvrs.com/elections/polling-lookup.html 

What Do I Do if My Polling Place is Not Accessible?
All polling places are required to be accessible. All voters have the right to vote in private, independently and in a location that is accessible. If you experience problems voting, contact your county board of elections. For a list of the county board of elections, click here: http://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/voting-information-local-officials.html. Voters with disabilities experiencing problems can also contact Disability Rights NJ on Election Day at 800-922-7233 or mciccone@drnj.org.

If you are voting for the first time, you must be registered and you must bring identification, or a document that has your current name and address on it.

For more information on voting and your voting rights or if you would like to be involved in REV UP NJ, please visit our website or contact Luke Koppisch at 732-738-4388 or lkoppisch@adacil.org.

Posted on June 6, 2016 and filed under Voting.