July 26th Marks the 32nd Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act

The Alliance Center for Independence would like to recognize and congratulate the tireless efforts of advocates who worked on getting the Americans with Disabilities Act passed and signed into law 32 years ago on July 26th. This landmark civil rights law has had a profound impact on the lives of people with disabilities in the area of employment, local and state services, areas of public accommodations, and telecommunications.

However, our fight continues. While the ADA has been the law of land for over three decades, the struggle for compliance rests on the shoulders of the present generation of advocates. Employment among people with disabilities remains low, nursing homes and institutions are still warehousing people with disabilities, the fight for simply curb cuts on streets and accessible parking spots still go on.

ACI supports and salutes those who never give up!

Posted on July 26, 2022 and filed under Advocacy.