Disability Rights Are Civil Rights

Written by Nybil Ghanem, Disability Advocate and I&R Specialist for ACI…and VOTER!

Throughout the history of the ADA, disability advocates all across the country continue to fight tirelessly for our civil rights, as well as including accessibility into the mix, at every level at every turn! This will be 32 years since the passing of The Americans with Disabilities Act, more commonly known as The ADA!

It doesn't just begin and end, with every broken sidewalk, no, but with every broken wheelchair, with every broken job turn down, or with every broken healthcare restriction, to every broken piece of assistive technology, that is constantly needing enforcement for change! The ADA helped 'pave the way' for a more inclusive America and with the goal of fighting for endless inclusivity in our homes, in every door entrance, and beyond! These are a few prime examples of how disabled individuals' lives are affected and how far we need to go.

From advocating for NJ Workability on a state level, to increasing funding for all the NJ Centers for Independent Living on a state level, to updating ABLE Laws on the Federal Level, the ADA proclamation was truly just the beginning, but certainly not the end! All people with disabilities and our supporters must continue to let not just our voices be heard, but our rights must be heard even louder!

Disabled and Proud is this disability advocates war cry as I 'wheel on' and march onward to freedom! Onward to strengthening our rights under the ADA!

Posted on July 26, 2022 and filed under Advocacy.