ACI Brings Awareness to Sexual Assault During SAAM 2019

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. People with disabilities are sexually assaulted at nearly three times the rate of people without disabilities. ACI is committed to bringing awareness to this growing situation. Denim Day and the Clothesline Project are international movements to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual assault.

Posted on April 23, 2019 and filed under Advocacy.

Set the Table! Focus Group

ACI was host to a Set the Table! public forum on the future of Middlesex County services. Middlesex County’s Destination 2040 drew about 30 county residents with disabilities who gave input on the housing, transportation, recreation and public service needs of the county.

Posted on April 18, 2019 and filed under Advocacy, Workshop.

Making Milkweed Seed Bombs to Save the Monarch Butterflies!

In honor of Earth Day, ACI is helping to save the monarch butterflies by making milkweed seed bombs! Milkweed is the one and only host plant for monarch caterpillars. Follow your recipe below and make your own!!

The ratio is roughly: 5 parts clay, 1 part compost/potting soil/seed-starting mix, 1 part seeds.

Combine the clay and compost; if you’re using wet clay you won’t need water, if you’re using a dry clay add water sparingly until it’s moist enough to stick together. Add the seeds, form into golf ball-sized balls, and set in a dry place to harden for a few days.

Posted on April 16, 2019 and filed under Workshop.

National Public Health Week 2019

During the first week of April, ACI held several events and workshops in celebration of National Public Health Week. NPHW is a campaign created by the American Public Health Association (APHA) to promote and educate everyone about public health and wellness. ACI recognized this year's NPHW by encouraging healthy eating, walking and rolling for exercise, and using UV lights to learn about the importance of good hygiene.

Posted on April 5, 2019 and filed under Health.

Remembering Ethan Ellis (1933-2019)

Nationally known disability advocate and professional, Ethan B. Ellis, passed away on Friday, March 22nd in Piscataway, NJ. He was 85.

During his career, Ethan assisted in the success of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), served as Director of the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities during a time when the state closed two developmental centers, was instrumental in elevating the individual rights and autonomy of people with developmental disabilities, and championed a systemwide shift to services directed by the individuals receiving those services and their designated family members.

Posted on April 5, 2019 and filed under Advocacy.

A Fun Night of Card Games and Hot Cocoa!

On the evening of March 29th, ACI got together to have some fun playing cards and drinking hot cocoa! Novice players and Card Sharps had fun playing together while listening to music. There were even a few dance breaks between rounds of cards. Thank you for coming out and playing!

Posted on April 3, 2019 and filed under Social Rec.